Code Black & Code Grey Training
New Zealand

Impactful, Hands-On Training

Workplace emergencies are on the rise, and these critical incidents require prompt and careful action through effective de-escalation skills and a coordinated team response.

In the event of a critical incident, employees need to know how to activate a code black or code grey and follow the appropriate procedures. Given that the definitions of code black and code grey can vary across organisations, we emphasise the importance of customisation. We tailor content to ensure organisational needs are met, and that all guidelines and policies, government or internal, are followed. The training includes practical demonstrations to increase employee confidence and preparation for real-life incidents.

Additionally, we can review your existing policies to identify areas for improvement or provide our own comprehensive policies for you to customise and implement as needed.


  • Duration: 1 to 2 days available
  • Delivery: Face-to-Face
  • Location: New Zealand, Australia, and Internationally – at your workplace or at a convenient location of your choice
  • Capacity: Up to 20 people for the day or an additional trainer can be organised
  • What To Wear: Clothes you would normally wear to work

Training Outcomes

  • Define what a code black and code grey situation is
  • Understand code black and code grey processes and policies
  • Learn situational awareness and preparation
  • Learn how to respond effectively to emergencies and critical incidents
  • Learn how to control your own emotions and remain calm during a code black or code grey situation
  • Understand the various roles and responsibilities in a code black or code grey situation
  • Learn how to confidently and safely handle the situation as a team
  • Practise duress alarm procedures
  • Learn safe restraint techniques, if required


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  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
  • Item 4
  • Item 5
  • Item 6
  • Item 7
  • Item 8


Customise Your Training Now

To enrol or find out more information please call 0800 895 201 or click the button below.

Request a proposal for your training

Please complete the form below to register your interest in running a specially designed training to meet your company needs.

    Select a training option

    De-escalation & OVATrain the TrainerCode BlackPhone De-escalationConflict ResolutionRestraintsPolicy ReviewConference/EventOVA Environmental Assessmente-LearningActive Armed OffenderRemote/Offsite Working

    De-escalation & OVA
    Train the Trainer
    Code Black
    Phone De-escalation
    Conflict Resolution
    Policy Review
    OVA Environmental Assessment
    Active Armed Offender
    Remote/Offsite Working

    More Information


    Enter your details

    Hi name

    Thank you for your training enquiry.

    A confirmation email has been sent to with further details.

    If you do not see the email within a few minutes, please check your “junk mail” folder or “spam” folder. We make every effort to ensure your enquiry is addressed within 24 hours, during business hours.

    We look forward to training you and your team very soon.

    Phone: 0800 895 201

    View our services to further understand how Resolution Education can benefit you.​